Institute of Solid State Physics EXAFS Spectroscopy Laboratory
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
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COST Action CA22143

Data-driven Applications towards the Engineering of functional Materials: an Open Network (DAEMON)
Uz datiem balstītas lietojumprogrammas funkcionālo materiālu inženierijas jomā: atvērts tīkls

COST Action: CA22154
Project responsible: Dr.phys. A. Kuzmin
Duration (years): 2023-2027

Current environmental, geo-political, and socio-economic challenges in the EU stem from a dependence of key technologies on critical and non-renewable materials. Discovery and commercialisation of innovative functional materials is needed to e.g. address energy production, storage and resilience, de-carbonise our economy to preserve ecosystems and climate, and switch current technologies to ethical and sustainable materials choices. Data science and machine learning (ML) have recently boosted materials research in these areas, but it is urgent to expedite development. The DAEMON COST Action will grow a cross-disciplinary and pan-European network, which builds capacity and promotes education and research coordination, with the goal to accelerate materials discovery in Europe by means of cutting-edge computational techniques and data-driven methods.

More information is available here.