- Alexei KUZMIN, Dr.phys., Head of the Laboratory, Leading Researcher
- Andris ANSPOKS, Dr.phys., Leading Researcher
- Aleksandr KALINKO, Dr.phys., Leading Researcher
- Inga PUDZA (ex. JONANE), Ph.D., Researcher
- Pjotrs ŽGUNS, Ph.D., Visiting Researcher
- Janis TIMOSHENKO, Dr.phys., Researcher
(currently on leave at Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Germany)
- Michele GALASSO, Mg., Ph.D. student
- Vitalijs DIMITRIJEVS, Mg., Research Assistant
- Julija LUKASEVICA, Mg., Research Assistant
- Katerina KUZMINA, Bc., Laboratory assistant
- Daria Zandberg, Laboratory assistant