![My photo](akalink.jpg)
Date of birth: March 29, 1984
Place of work: Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
Present position: Leading Researcher
Address: Kengaraga street 8, LV-1063 Riga, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 67251691
FAX: (+371) 67132778
E-mail: Aleksandrs.Kalinko
- 2001 - 2005
- graduated from the University of Latvia, B.Sc. degree in Computer Science.
- 2005 - 2007
- graduated from the University of Latvia, M.Sc. degree in Physics.
- 2008.05.26 - 2008.06.02
- attended the Nordic and European Summer School "VUV and X-ray Research for the Future using FEL's and Ultra Brilliant Sources".
School Certificate.
- 2008.07.06 - 2008.07.15
- attended the "CCP5 Methods in Molecular Simulation Summer School".
School Certificate.
- 2008.08.15 - 2008.08.23
- attended the "7th PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research 2008"
- 2009.03.12 - 2009.03.18
- attended the "Condensed State Physics session of XLIII PNPI Winter school" (CSP 2009)
- 2009.05.18 - 2009.05.23
- attended the Nordforsk Summer School "New methods using ultra-high brilliance sources for surface and cluster physics"
School Certificate
- 2010.03.15 - 2010.03.20
- attended the "Condensed State Physics session of XLIV PNPI Winter school" (CSP 2010)
- 2010.03.29 - 2010.04.02
- attended the Dissemination Workshop on "Simulation of Synchrotron Radiation Spectroscopies interpreted in the Framework of Multiple Scattering Approach: Theory and Applications"
- 2010.08.27 - 2010.08.31
- attended the A Joint International Summer School-Conference "Advanced Materials and Technologies" and "European Doctorate in Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials"
- 2011.02.27 - 2011.03.31
- attended the Higher European Research Course for Users of Large Experimental Systems (HERCULES 2011)
School Certificate
- 2012
- Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of Latvia.
Thesis title: "Interpretation of x-ray absorption spectra using molecular dynamics simulations"
- 2012.03.08 - 2012.03.16
- attended the 32nd Berlin School on Neutron Scattering
School Certificate
- 2013
- Ludvigs and Maris Jansons Prize for the best work in physics awarded by Latvian Academy of Sciences (Medal,Diploma)
- A.Kalinko, L.Grigorjeva, D.Millers, J.Grabis, W.Lojkowski, and C.J.Monty,
Time-resolved luminescence in micro and nanostructure ZnO powders,
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 13 (2007) 113-116.
- A. Kalinko, J. Fidelus, L. Grigorjeva, D. Millers, C. Monty, A. Presz, and K. Smits,
Blue luminescence in ZnO single crystals, nanopowders, ceramic,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 93 (2007) 012036 (8 pp.).
- A. Kalinko, J. D. Fidelus, L. Grigorjeva, D. Millers, C. J. Monty, A. Presz, and K. Smits,
The luminescence properties of ZnO nanopowders,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 93 (2007) 012044 (6 pp.).
- L. Grigorjeva, D. Millers, J. Grabis, C. Monty, A. Kalinko, K. Smits,
V. Pankratov, and W. Lojkowski,
Luminescence properties of ZnO nanocrystals and ceramics,
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55 (2008) 1551-1555.
- L. Grigorjeva, D. Millers, A. Kalinko, V. Pankratov, and K. Smits,
Time-resolved cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence of nanoscale oxides,
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 29 (2008) 255-259.
- A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin, and R.A. Evarestov,
Ab initio study of the electronic and atomic structure of the wolframite-type ZnWO4,
Solid State Commun. 149 (2009) 425-428.
- A. Kalinko and A. Kuzmin,
Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy of zinc tungstate powders,
J. Lumin. 129 (2009) 1144-1147.
- R. A. Evarestov, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin, M. Losev, and J. Purans,
First-principles LCAO calculations on 5d transition metal oxides: electronic and phonon properties,
Integr. Ferroelectrics 108 (2009) 1-10.
- A. Kalinko, R. A. Evarestov, A. Kuzmin, and J. Purans,
Interpretation of EXAFS in ReO3 using molecular dynamics simulations,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 190 (2009) 012080.
- A. Anspoks, A. Kuzmin, A. Kalinko, and J. Timoshenko,
Probing NiO nanocrystals structure by EXAFS spectroscopy,
Solid State Commun. 150 (2010) 2270-2274.
- A. Kalinko and A. Kuzmin,
Static and dynamic structure of ZnWO4 nanoparticles,
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 357 (2011) 2595-2599.
- A. Kalinko, A. Kotlov, A. Kuzmin, V. Pankratov, A.I. Popov, and L. Shirmane,
Electronic excitations in ZnWO4 and ZnxNi1-xWO4 (x=0.1-0.9) using VUV synchrotron radiation,
Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 9 (2011) 432-437.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Kalinko, and R.A. Evarestov,
First-principles LCAO study of phonons in NiWO4,
Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 9 (2011) 502-509.
- C. Lenser, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin, D. Berzins, J. Purans, K. Szot, R. Waser, and R. Dittmann,
Spectroscopic study of the electric field induced valence change of Fe-defect centers in SrTiO3,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (46) (2011) 20779-20786.
- Ch. Lenser, A. Kuzmin, J. Purans, A. Kalinko, R. Waser, and R. Dittmann,
Probing the oxygen vacancy distribution in resistive switching Fe-SrTiO3 metal-insulator-metal-structures by micro-x ray absorption near-edge structure,
J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 076101:1-3.
- A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, R. Kalendarev, and A. Kuzmin,
Atomic structure relaxation in nanocrystalline NiO studied by EXAFS spectroscopy: Role of nickel vacancies,
Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 174114:1-11.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Kalinko, and R.A. Evarestov,
Ab initio LCAO study of the atomic, electronic and magnetic structures and the lattice dynamics of triclinic CuWO4,
Acta Mater. 61 (2013) 371-378.
- A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, R. Kalendarev, and A. Kuzmin,
Probing vacancies in NiO nanoparticles by EXAFS and molecular dynamics simulations,
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 430 (2013) 012027:1-4.
- A. Kalinko and A. Kuzmin,
Interpretation of EXAFS in scheelite-type AWO4 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) compounds using molecular dynamics simulations,
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 430 (2013) 012075:1-4.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, and J. Timoshenko,
Effect of cobalt doping on the local structure and dynamics of multiferroic MnWO4 and Mn0.7Co0.3WO4,
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 430 (2013) 012109:1-4.
- A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, R. Kalendarev, A. Kuzmin,
Local structure relaxation in nanocrystalline Ni1-xO thin films,
Thin Solid Films 553 (2014) 58-62.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, R. Kalendarev,
Extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and first-principles study of SnWO4,
Phys. Scripta 89 (2014) 044005 (5pp).
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Analysis of EXAFS data from copper tungstate by reverse Monte Carlo method,
Phys. Scripta 89 (2014) 044006 (6pp).
- A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, A. Kuzmin,
Local structure relaxation in nanosized tungstates,
Solid State Commun. 183 (2014) 22-26.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, R. Kalendarev,
X-ray absorption spectroscopy of Cu-doped WO3 films for use in electrochemical metallization cell memory,
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 401 (2014) 87-91.
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Local structure and dynamics of wurtzite-type ZnO from simulation-based EXAFS analysis,
Phys. Status Solidi (c) 11 (2014) 1472-1475.
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Temperature dependence of the local structure and lattice dynamics of wurtzite-type ZnO,
Acta Mater. 79 (2014) 194-202.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, R. Kalendarev,
External pressure and composition effects on the atomic and electronic structure of SnWO4,
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 143 (2015) 627-634.
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Local structure of nanosized tungstates revealed by evolutionary algorithm,
Phys. Status Solidi A 212 (2015) 265-273.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, R. Kalendarev, L. Nataf, F. Baudelet, T. Irifune,
High-pressure x-ray absorption spectroscopy study of tin tungstates,
Phys. Scr. 90 (2015) 094003 (5pp).
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, I. Jonane, A. Kuzmin,
Local structure of multiferroic MnWO4 and Mn0.7Co0.3WO4 revealed by the evolutionary algorithm,
Ferroelectrics 483 (2015) 68-74.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko,
The use of x-ray absorption spectra for validation of classical force-field models,
Z. Phys. Chem. 230 (2016) 537-549.
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Local structure of cobalt tungstate revealed by EXAFS spectroscopy and reverse Monte Carlo/evolutionary algorithm simulations,
Z. Phys. Chem. 230 (2016) 551-568.
- D. Bocharov, M. Krack, A. Kalinko, J. Purans, F. Rocca, S.E. Ali, A. Kuzmin,
Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the Sc K-edge EXAFS of scandium trifluoride,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 712 (2016) 012009:1-4.
- J. Purans, S. Piskunov, D. Bocharov, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin, S.E. Ali, F. Rocca,
Local structure of perovskites ReO3 and ScF3 with negative thermal expansion: interpretation beyond the quasiharmonic approximation,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 712 (2016) 012013:1-4.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, R. Kalendarev, L. Nataf, F. Baudelet, T. Irifune, P. Roy,
Pressure-induced insulator-to-metal transition in α-SnWO4,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 712 (2016) 012122:1-4.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Kalinko, A. Anspoks, J. Timoshenko, R. Kalendarev,
Study of copper nitride thin film structure,
Latvian J. Phys. Tech. Sci. 53 (2016) 31-37.
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Local structure of copper nitride revealed by EXAFS spectroscopy and reverse Monte Carlo/evolutionary algorithm approach,
Phys. Scr. 91 (2016) 054003 (11pp).
- A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin, P. Roy, R. A. Evarestov,
Synchrotron-based far-infrared spectroscopy of nickel tungstate,
Low Temp. Phys. 42 (2016) 552-555.
- A. Kuzmin, V. Pankratov, A. Kalinko, A. Kotlov, L. Shirmane, A. I. Popov,
UV-VUV synchrotron radiation spectroscopy of NiWO4,
Low Temp. Phys. 42 (2016) 543-546.
- S. Piskunov, P. A. Žguns, D. Bocharov, A. Kuzmin, J. Purans, A. Kalinko, R. A. Evarestov, S. E. Ali, F. Rocca,
Interpretation of unexpected behavior of infrared absorption spectra of ScF3 beyond the quasiharmonic approximation,
Phys. Rev. B 93 (2016) 214101:1-9.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Rumjancevs, J. Timoshenko, L. Nataf, F. Baudelet, T. Irifune,
Effect of pressure and temperature on the local structure and lattice dynamics of copper(II) oxide,
Phys. Procedia 85C (2016) 27-35.
- A. Kalinko, A. Bauer, J. Timoshenko, A. Kuzmin,
Molecular dynamics and reverse Monte Carlo modeling of scheelite-type AWO4 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba) W L3-edge EXAFS spectra,
Phys. Scr. 91 (2016) 114001 (9pp).
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Rumjancevs, J. Timoshenko, L. Nataf, F. Baudelet, T. Irifune,
Effect of pressure and temperature on the local structure and lattice dynamics of copper(II) oxide,
Phys. Procedia 85 (2016) 27-35.
- J. Timoshenko, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Thermal disorder and correlation effects in anti-perovskite-type copper nitride,
Acta Mater. 129 (2017) 61-71.
- A. Kuzmin, A. Anspoks, A. Kalinko, J. Timoshenko, L. Nataf, F. Baudelet, T. Irifune,
Origin of pressure-induced metallization in Cu3N: an X-ray absorption spectroscopy study,
Phys. Status Solidi B 255 (2018) 1800073:1-6.
- I. Jonane, A. Cintins, A. Kalinko, R. Chernikov, A. Kuzmin,
Probing the thermochromic phase transition in CuMoO4 by EXAFS spectroscopy,
Phys. Status Solidi B 255 (2018) 1800074:1-5.
- N. Ordás, E. Gil, A. Cintins, V. de Castro, T. Leguey, I. Iturriza, J. Purans, A. Anspoks, A. Kuzmin, A. Kalinko,
The role of yttrium and titanium during the development of ODS ferritic steels obtained through the STARS route: TEM and XAS study,
J. Nucl. Mater. 504 (2018) 8-22.
- I. Jonane, A. Cintins, A. Kalinko, R. Chernikov, A. Kuzmin,
X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy of thermochromic phase transition in CuMoO4,
Low Temp. Phys. 44 (2018) 434-437.
- G. Bakradze, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
X-ray absorption and Raman spectroscopy studies of tungstates solid solutions ZncNi1-cWO4 (c=0.0-1.0),
Low Temp. Phys. 46 (2020) 1201-1205.
- B. Polyakov, E. Butanovs, A. Ogurcovs, S. Vlassov, M. Zubkins, I. Jonane, A. Cintins, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin, J. Purans,
Understanding the conversion process of magnetron-deposited thin films of amorphous ReOx to crystalline ReO3 upon thermal annealing,
Cryst. Growth Des. 20 (2020) 6147-6156.
- K.A. Cherednichenko, V.A. Mukhanov, Z. Wang, A.R. Oganov, A. Kalinko, I. Dovgaliuk, V.L. Solozhenko,
Discovery of new boron-rich chalcogenides: orthorhombic B6X (X=S, Se),
Sci. Rep. 10 (2020) 9277.
- J.M. Ribeiro, F.C. Correia, A. Kuzmin, I. Jonane, M. Kong, A.R. Goni, J.S. Reparaz, A. Kalinko, E. Welter, C.J. Tavares,
Influence of Nb-doping on the local structure and thermoelectric properties of transparent TiO2:Nb thin films,
J. Alloys Compd. 838 (2020) 155561.
- I. Jonane, A. Cintins, A. Kalinko, R. Chernikov, A. Kuzmin,
Low temperature X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of CuMoO4 and
CuMo0.90W0.10O4 using reverse Monte-Carlo method,
Rad. Phys. Chem. 175 (2020) 108411.
- A. Kuzmin, J. Timoshenko, A. Kalinko, I. Jonane, A. Anspoks,
Treatment of disorder effects in X-ray absorption spectra beyond the conventional approach,
Rad. Phys. Chem. 175 (2020) 108112.
- D. Bocharov, A. Anspoks, J. Timoshenko, A. Kalinko, M. Krack, A. Kuzmin,
Interpretation of the Cu K-edge EXAFS spectra of Cu3N using ab initio molecular dynamics,
Rad. Phys. Chem. 175 (2020) 108100.
- G. Bakradze, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Evidence of dimerization of nickel ions in NiWO4 and ZncNi1-cWO4 solid solutions probed by EXAFS spectroscopy and reverse Monte Carlo simulations,
Acta Mater. 217 (2021) 117171.
- I. Pudza, A. Anspoks, A. Cintins, A. Kalinko, E. Welter, A. Kuzmin,
The influence of Zn2+ ions on the local structure and thermochromic properties of Cu1-xZnxMoO4 solid solutions,
Mater. Today Commun. 28 (2021) 102607.
- F. C. Correia, J. M. Ribeiro, A. Kuzmin, I. Pudza, A. Kalinko, E. Welter, A. Mendes, J. Rodrigues, N. B. Sedrine, T. Monteiro, M. R. Correia, C. J. Tavares,
The role of Ga and Bi doping on the local structure of transparent zinc oxide thin films,
J. Alloys Compd. 870 (2021) 159489.
- I. Pudza, A. Kalinko, A. Cintins, A. Kuzmin,
Study of the thermochromic phase transition in CuMo1-xWxO4 solid solutions at the W L3-edge by resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy,
Acta Mater. 205 (2021) 116581.
- E. Butanovs, A. Kuzmin, S. Piskunov, K. Smits, A. Kalinko, B. Polyakov,
Synthesis and characterization of GaN/ReS2, ZnS/ReS2 and ZnO/ReS2 core/shell nanowire heterostructures,
Appl. Surf. Sci. 536 (2021) 147841.
- K. A. Cherednichenko, V. A. Mukhanov, A. Kalinko, V. L. Solozhenko,
High-pressure synthesis of boron-rich chalcogenides B12S and B12Se,
J. Alloys Compd. 898 (2022) 162874.
- G. Bakradze, A. Kalinko, A. Kuzmin,
Chemical-state analyses of Ni, Zn, and W ions in NiWO4-ZnWO4 solid solutions by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 161 (2022) 110425.