Y2O3, Y K-edge

Cite as: Jonane et al, J. Synchrotron Rad. 23 (2016) 510

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Comparison of experimental data with RMC fit results

Residual = 0.092 (R-factor = 0.008 )

Contributions of the most important paths


Coord.shellCoord. numberMean R (Å)MSRD (Å-2)
Y-O 6. 2.283 0.0055
Y-Y 6. 3.53 0.0046
Y-Y 6. 4.003 0.0049
Y-O 1.5 4.041 0.0121
Y-O 3. 4.239 0.0082
Y-O 3. 4.319 0.0107
Y-O 7.5 4.463 0.0131
Y-O 3. 4.713 0.0084
Y-O 1.5 4.923 0.0093
Y-O 1.5 5.27 0.0087
Y-Y 6. 5.326 0.0073
Y-O 4.5 5.461 0.0084
Y-O 3. 5.527 0.0124
Y-O 3. 5.696 0.0111
Y-O 3. 5.932 0.0097

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