- Name & Surname: Alexei Kuzmin (in English), Алексей Кузьмин (in Russian), Aleksejs Kuzmins (in Latvian)
- Degree: Dr.phys.
- Academic Title: Full Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
- Hirsch index (WoSCC/Scopus): h = 42
- Place and date of birth: Riga (Latvia), August 12, 1968
- Marital status: Married, two daughters
- Place of work: Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- Present position: Head of the Laboratory
- Address: Kengaraga street 8, LV-1063 Riga, Latvia
- Phone: (+371) 67251691
- FAX: (+371) 67132778
- E-mail: a.kuzmin@cfi.lu.lv
- 1985-90
- studied at the Physics Department of the University of Latvia
- 1990
- graduated with honors from the University of Latvia, M.Sc. degree in Physics. Thesis title:
"X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES)
in Tungsten Oxides and Barium-Tungsten-Phosphate Glasses".
- 1992
- Doctor Degree in Physics (Dr.phys.) from the University of Latvia.
Thesis title: "Study of 4d and 5d Transition Metals Oxide Compounds by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)"
- 02.1993-04.1993
- attended the Higher European Research Course
for Users of Large Experimental Systems "HERCULES-1993"
- 1986-89
- Engineer and Research Associate, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- 1990-92
- Junior Researcher, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- 1993-2001
- Researcher, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- 2001-present
- Leading Researcher, Institute of Solid State
Physics, University of Latvia
- 2017-2019
- R&D Council Member, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- 2017-2019
- Head of the Materials Morphology and Structure Investigations (MMoSt) Laboratory, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- 2020-present
- Head of the EXAFS Spectroscopy Laboratory (EXAFS Lab), Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
- Participating in the EC FP5 Project (2001-2004)
on "In-situ X-ray Absorption Study of Transition Metal Oxides" within
the framework of the Excellence Centre of Advanced Material Research and
Technology (CAMART) at the Institute of Solid State Physics (Head: J.
- Head of the Latvian Government Grant (2001-2004)
"Reconstruction of Nanocrystals Structure from X-ray Absorption Spectra
using Ab Initio Theoretical Methods".
- Participating in the Latvian Government Grant
(2001-2004) "The Magnetic Ions Exchange Interaction in the
Antiferromagnetic Oxides", (Head: N. Mironova-Ulmane).
- Head of the EC FP5 TARI Project (2001-2004)
"Magnons in diluted antiferromagnetic materials (MIDAM)" at LNF INFN,
- Head of the EC FP6 TARI Project (2004-2005)
"Effect of dilution on infra-red absorption in antiferromagnetic
materials (EDAAM)" at LNF INFN, Italy.
- Participating in the NATO SCIENCE PROGRAMME - collaborative linkage grant (2004-2005) "Stable Gadolinium Complexes with fast water exchange for MRI Agents",
University of California, Berkeley (Head: K. N. Raymond) and ISSP, Riga (Head: J. Purans).
- Participating in the European COST Action D18
(1999-2006) "Lanthanide Chemistry for Diagnosis and Therapy", (Head: J.
- Participating in the EC FP6 Specific Targeted Research Project (2004-2007)
on "Nano-scale chemical mapping and surface
structural modification by joined use of X-ray microbeams and tip assisted local detection (X-TIP)" (Head: F. Comin).
- Head of the Latvian Government Grant (2005-2008)
"Advanced Spectroscopic Approach to the Study of Nanomaterials
- "Advanced Functional Materials for Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics, Photonics, Biomedicine and Composite Materials, and related Technology Development",
Latvian National Research Programme in Materials Science (2005-2009) (Coordinator: M.Springis, Responsible: A. Kuzmin).
- Head of the Latvian Government Grant (2009)
"Study of Local Dynamics and Structure in Nano-Oxide Materials".
- Participating in MNT ERA-NET Matera Project "Functional materials for resistive switching memories" (FMRSM),
(2009-2012) (Head: R. Dittmann, Responsible: J. Purans ).
- Participating in the Latvian Government Grant "Structure of nano-oxide materials and self-organization in stochastic media"
(2010-2012) (Head: J. Purans).
- Principal Investigator in the ESF project (2009-2012)
"Nanomaterials for perspective energy effective solutions" (No. 2009/0202/1DP/
- Participating in "Nano-structured test samples for a combined near-field and X-ray microscopy",
"OSMOSE" project within the bilateral collaboration programme between France and Latvia (2012-2013) (Heads: J. Purans and D. Pailharey).
- "Development of novel multifunctional materials, signal processing and information technologies for competitive knowledge-based products" (IMIS),
Project No.1: Multifunctional materials, Latvian National Research Programme in Materials Science
(2010-2013) (Coordinator: M.Springis, Responsible: A. Kuzmin).
- Participating in "Experimental validation of models", EURATOM WP13-MAT-IREMEV-05-01, 2013 (Head: J. Purans).
- Participating in "Production and characterization of laboratory-scale batches of nano-structured ODSFS", EURATOM WP13-MAT-ODSFS-01-01, 2013 (Head: J. Purans).
- Head of Latvian Science Council Grant no.187/2012 "Local structure determination in functional materials from x-ray absorption spectra", 2013-2016.
- Head of ESF Project "Innovative materials for transparent electronics and photonics", No. 2013/0015/1DP/, 2013-2015.
- "Multifunctional materials and composites, photonics and nanotechnology" (IMIS2),
Latvian National Research Programme in Materials Science (2014-2017) (Responsible: A.Kuzmin).
- Participating in EUROfusion Enabling Research Project (CfP-WP15-ENR-01/UL-01) "When and how ODS particles are formed? - X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and ab initio modelling of ODS steels" (2015-2017) (Head: J. Purans).
- Principal Investigator in EUROfusion ENR.PRD.MAT.ADVM.2-T003/4 project „XAS studies on a 14%Cr ODS alloy manufactured by the modified STARS route“ (2018-2020).
- Participating in the project Excellence Centre of Advanced MAterial Research and Technology Transfer CAMART2 (2017-2023) (Head: M. Rutkis).
- Investigator in Latvian Council of Science project (LZP-2018/2-0353) "X-ray Absorption studies of metal hydrides under extreme pressure (XA-EXTREM)", (2018-2020) (Head: J. Purans).
- Investigator in Latvian Council of Science project (LZP-2019/1-0071) "Development of X-ray sensitive hybrid organic-inorganic systems" (2020-2022) (Head: A. Kalinko).
- Responsible of EUROfusion Project (PRD-5.ADVM.ODS-T001) "ODS steel development and fabrication using the STARS process" (2021-2025).
- Investigator in Latvian Council of Science project (LZP-2020/1-0261) "Core-shell nanowire heterostructures of Charge Density Wave materials for optoelectronic applications" (2021-2023) (Head: B. Polyakov).
- Head of ERDF project (Nr. "Functional ink-jet printing of wireless energy systems" (2021-2023).
- Investigator in Latvian Council of Science project (LZP-2022/1-0608) "Non-contact nanothermometry based on X-ray absorption spectra" (2023-2025) (Head: A. Kalinko).
- Course "Microscopy and spectroscopy characterization methods" at
the University of Latvia (Course: Fizi5112).
- Course "Structure and Description of Nanomaterials" at the University of Latvia (Course: Fizi5028).
- Course "Structure of Solids" at the University of Latvia (Course: Fizi7009).
- Course "Structural Methods in Solid State Analysis" at the University of Latvia (Course: Fizi5344).
- Course "Introduction to Cluster Computing" at the University of Latvia (Course: DatZ3024).
- 1991-1992
- Visiting Scientist, Physics Dept., University of Trento, Italy
- 05.92
- Visiting Scientist, Physics Dept., Rostock University, Germany
- 06.92-07.92
- Visiting Scientist, INFN, LNF, Frascati, Italy
- 1993-2010
- Visiting Scientist, CNR-ITC, CeFSA, Trento, Italy
- 1993
- "Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei" Fellowship at the University of Trento, Italy
- 1995
- NATO Guest Fellowship, CNR-ITC, CeFSA, Trento, Italy
- 1999
- Visiting Scientist, JINR, Dubna, Russia
- 2001-2006
- Visiting Scientist, GPEC, University of Marseille (Aix-Marseille II), EGIDE Fellowship
- 2006-...
- Expert of the Latvian Council of Science
- 2008-2011
- Member of the Programme Advisory Committee for
Condensed Matter Physics at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia)
- 2012-...
- Member of the Expert Committee at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia)
- 2016-2019
- Member of the Expert commission on Science and Mathematics of the Latvian Science Council
- 2016-...
- Editor of the Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences (ISSN 08688257)
- 2018-2021
- Visiting Professor at the International Research Organization for Advanced Science and Technology (IROAST), Kumamoto University, Japan
- 2019-...
- Member of the Project Review Panel "X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAFS)" for PETRA III at DESY, Hamburg, Germany
- 2020-...
- Editorial Board Member of the Materials (ISSN 1996-1944) journal
- 1996
- Academia Europaea Baltic Prize.
- 1999
- Invited talk at Symposium Scientia Europaea N4, Bischoffsheim, France.
- 2001
- Invited talk at International Workshop on "Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
Analysis", Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Warshaw, Poland.
- 2005
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences.
- 2006
- Included in Latvian Science’s Top 10 Achievements for the work “Development of a new high capacity optical storage based on thin film tungstate multilayers”.
- 2007
- Invited lecture on “Confocal spectro-microscopy and its applications” at doctorate school at Politecnico di Milano, December 4, 2007, Milano, Italy.
- 2007
- Invited talk at National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", June 26, Moscow, Russia. “Recent advances in experimental and data analysis in X-ray absorption spectroscopy”.
- 2009
- Invited talk at University of Verona, November 13, 2009, Verona, Italy “An integrated approach to the study of local structure, electronic and phonon properties of oxide materials”.
- 2009
- Included in Latvian Science’s Top 10 Achievements for the work “A novel approach to the simulation of x-ray absorption spectra based on the combination of quantum chemistry and classical molecular dynamics methods”.
- 2010
- Invited talk at HERCULES XX symposium, March 25-26, Grenoble, France.
- 2013
- Included in Latvian Science’s Top 10 Achievements for the work “Investigation of resistive switching mechanism in functional materials for terabit memory applications”.
- 2014
- Included in Latvian Science’s Top 10 Achievements for the work “Development and application of the new method based on evolutionary algorithm to study local structure and thermal disorder in crystalline and nanocrystalline materials by x-ray absorption spectroscopy”.
- 2016
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences.
- 2016
- Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidential Award for science achievements.
- 2017
- Invited lecture at the course on “Data Analysis and Modeling of XANES and EXAFS Spectra: Applications to Nanomaterials”, November 1-3, 2017, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
- 2018
- Recognised as an Outstanding Reviewer for IOP Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter in 2017.
- 2018
- Plenary lecture “Treatment of disorder effects in x-ray absorption spectra beyond conventional approach” at the 17th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, 22–27 July 2018, Kraków, Poland.
- 2019
- Invited lecturer (Title: “Modern methods of X-ray spectroscopy”) at the 53rd School on Condensed State Physics, 11-16 March 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- 2019
- Keynote speaker (Title: “Synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy of 2D materials”) at the 6th International School and Conference "Saint Petersburg OPEN-2019", 23-24 April 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- 2019
- Invited lecturer (Title: “Recent advances in X-ray absorption fine structure interpretation using atomistic simulations”) at the International Baltic School 2019 “4-th Generation X-ray Sources: coherent optics and techniques”, 26-29 August 2019, Kaliningrad, Russia.
- 2020
- Invited lecturer (Title: “X-ray absorption spectroscopy of functional materials, aided by atomistic simulations”) at the 1st PanPacific Reverse Monte Carlo Conference at Kumamoto University, February 20-21, 2020, Kumamoto, Japan.
- 2020
- The Edgars Siliņš Prize in physics awarded by the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
- 2021
- Included in Latvian Science’s Top 10 Achievements for the work “Explanation of the influence of the local atomic structure of molybdates and tungstates on their thermochromic and magnetic properties”.
- 2022
- Invited lecturer (Title: “Unraveling the structure of functional materials by EXAFS spectroscopy and reverse Monte Carlo simulations”) at the 4th FRIMS International Symposium on Frontier Materials, 8-9 March 2022, Nagoya, Japan.
- 2008
- Workshop "Synchrotron Radiation Day", Riga, Latvia, May 16, 2008.
- 2012
- First Baltic School on Application of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation in Solid State Physics and Material Science (BSANS-2012), Riga, Latvia, October 1-4, 2012.
- 2014
- Micro-Symposium MS-64 "EXAFS analysis at the nanoscale and in highly disordered materials" co-chair at the International Union of Crystallography Congress, Montreal, Canada, August 5-14, 2014.
- 2015
- Workshop "Nanomaterials characterisation and synthesis" within the framework of EuroNanoForum-2015, Riga, Latvia, June 9, 2015.
- 2017
- COST TO-BE FALL MEETING 2017 “Towards Oxide-Based Electronics”, Riga, Latvia, September 11-13, 2017.
- 2024
- COST EuMINe 1st General Meeting and Workshop, 10-12 April 2024, Bologna, Italy.
- 2024
- International Workshop on Recent Advances and Future Trends in EXAFS Spectroscopy, June 13-14, 2024, Riga, Latvia.
My current research interests are concerned with the development of new methods
for the analysis of x-ray absorption spectra using Molecular Dynamics
simulations, Quantum Chemistry calculations, Reverse Monte Carlo technique, and Machine-Learning methods.
I am the author of the original x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) data
analysis software package
"EDA" and the original approximated method for
performing the MS calculations of XAFS.
In 2002 I have designed and constructed a high-performance computing cluster
LASC, at the Institute of Solid State Physics,
University of Latvia, whish was rated at the 184 place in ClustersTop500
in May 2003. The LASC cluster is currently used for parallel quantum chemical
calculations and simulations of x-ray absorption spectra of nanoparticles,
molecules and crystals.
My scientific interests in the fields of physics and materials science
are concerned with oxide compounds containing transition metal
and rare-earth ions (crystals, nanomaterials, amorphous and crystalline
thin films, glasses, solutions). Currently, I participate in the national
and international research projects on multifunctional materials for
smart windows, solar cells, transparent conducting coatings, sensors,
phosphours and photocatalysts. The complex investigations of physical
and chemical properties of above mentioned materials require the use of
different experimental and theoretical techniques.
In particular, I have expertise in conducting studies using synchrotron
x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), confocal spectromicroscopy (Raman
and luminescence), atomic force microscopy, optical absorption/luminescence
spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction.
I has been a Scientific Advisor of
- Jurij Terentjev, "X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of the short-range order and the local electronic structure in phosphate glasses containing MoO3 and WO3", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia,
Riga, 1995.
- Dmitrijs Bocharovs, "Quantum chemical interpretation of x-ray absorption spectra", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2004.
- Nikolajs Lashkovs, "X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of local atomic structure in oxide materials. In-situ study of dehydration process of tungsten trioxide hydrate WO3.H2O", B.Sc.
Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2005.
- Dmitrijs Bocharovs, "Quantum chemical interpretation of x-ray absorption spectra in perovskite-type compounds", M.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2006.
- Janis Timoshenko, "Application of wavelet transform to EXAFS spectra analysis", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2008.
- Pavels Nazarovs, "Raman spectroscopy of ZnWO4-NiWO4 system", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2008.
- Alberts Nurgalejevs, "X-ray absorption spectra data analysis using NVIDIA CUDA parallel computing technology", M.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2009.
- Janis Timoshenko, "Lattice dynamics in crystalline germanium: isotopic effect", M.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2010.
- Julija Gaidelene, "X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of hydrogen intercalation into rhenium trioxide", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2011.
- Aleksandr Kalinko, "Interpretation of x-ray absorption spectra using molecular dynamics simulations", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2012.
- Andris Anspoks, "Studies of local structure relaxation in nanomaterials", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2014.
- Janis Timoshenko, "Reverse Monte Carlo modelling of structural and thermal disorder in crystalline materials", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2015.
- Karlis Lazdins, "Application of molecular dynamics method to the interpretation of Y2O3 and FeF3 x-ray absorption spectra ", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2015.
- Inga Jonane, "Study of nanocrystalline yttrium oxide local structure", M.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2017.
- Julija Lukasevica, "Study of NiO lattice dynamics using reverse Monte Carlo method", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2022.
- Vitalijs Dimitrijevs, "X-ray absorption spectroscopy of lattice dynamics in metals with cubic and hexagonal structures", B.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2022.
- Inga Pudza, "Impact of the local structure on the thermochromic properties of copper molybdate and its solid solutions", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2022.
- Julija Lukasevica, "Studies of nickel oxide lattice dynamics before and after magnetic phase transition using x-ray absorption spectroscopy", M.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2024.
- Vitalijs Dimitrijevs, "Investigation of lattice dynamics anisotropy in metals using x-ray absorption spectroscopy", M.Sc. Thesis, University of Latvia, Riga, 2024.
Supervisor of the following awarded works:
- 2013 - Dr.phys. Aleksandr Kalinko, Ludvigs and Maris Jansons Prize for the best work in physics awarded by Latvian Academy of Sciences.
- 2015 - Dr.phys. Janis Timoshenko, Ludvigs and Maris Jansons Prize for the best work in physics awarded by Latvian Academy of Sciences.
- 2021 - Mg.phys. Inga Pudza, L'ORÉAL-UNESCO Baltic Prize "For Women in Science".
- 2023 - Ph.D. Inga Pudža, Ludvigs and Maris Jansons Prize for the best work in physics awarded by Latvian Academy of Sciences.
- 2025 - Mg.phys. Vitalijs Dimitrijevs, Young Scientist Award awarded by Latvian Academy of Sciences.
I am the author and co-author of 3 chapters in the books and more than 280 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
I work also as a referee in a number of international journals published by IOP, Elsevier, American Physical Society (APS), American Chemical Society (AS), Springer, Wiley and MDPI publishing houses.
